Netflix Clone
I built this project from Youtube using React JS and it was a very educative experience...
Demo here | Github here
TikTok Clone
This is another project I handled with React. I made use of Material UI whilst using Firebase for the hosting and database...
Demo here | Github here
Zoom Clone
I built this project with Nodejs and employed the services; UUid, SocketIO, Express js and WEBRTC ...
Demo here | Github here
Tesla Clone
This is my first attempt at building a mobile app. I used React Native to achieve a cross platform experience...
Demo here | Github here
Covid 19 Tracker
This is yet another project I handled with React and Firebase. It is about 90% completed...
Demo here | Github here
WildFire Tracker
This is a truly enjoyable app for me. Again, I built it using React and Heroku(for hosting)...
Demo here | Github here
Mongodb CRUD
This is my second major Nodejs project. A classic example of explaining the REST API...
Demo here | Github here
Signal Clone
The Signal clone project is my second attempt at building a mobile app with React Native...
Demo here | Github here
This is my first experience with GraphQL, the simplified alternative to REST API...
Demo here | Github here
Slack clone
Python! one of the popular languages on the planet right now! I have taken to it because I need to script better for automation purposes and also to build light weight applications.
Kubernetes is said to be the king of container orchestration. This is an awesome technology, tough setting up but very useful whilst on it. I look forward to getting jobs done with K8s.